My grandmother, at the age of 99, passed away yesterday, two weeks before her 100 years old birthday. She was a strong woman, married and divorced at a young age. Left back alone with two small children at a time where this was not common. Imagine how the world and its history has developed since then and what she has been witnessing. She had a sharp, often quite funny tongue and loved to be provocative. She preferred to speak about the Nazis when my German family visited her :). She knew up until her death everything about football and crossword puzzles. Her big passions were gambling and painting. Her paintings were quite surrealistic and sort of crazy, a mix of strong graphical colours with hints of politics, religion and nudity. So much more she understood my passion for photography and allowed me to shoot those pictures of her. The pictures might seem sad to you, but my grandmother actually married again and had a bunch of grandchildren. Still the daily life of the retirement home was quite a boring institution for her and although surrounded with people, she felt at times very lonely. The pictures should not only show my grandmother, but also give an impression of life in a retirement home - the place where some of us might end up.
Dear Grandmother ❥ rest in peace ❥ Thank you for taking such good care of me.
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Hugo + Gun (Wednesday, 10 April 2019 17:41)
Dear Annette - thank you for your good words and beautiful pictures - I completely agree with you!! - She was as tough woman and just today I turned some of her lives events with your mom and jointly we shared some of the fond memories of her life!! - We did not expect it should happen just now when we were looking forward to celebrate her 100 yrs anniversary and on the date of her beloved husband Johannes' birthday - but it was the way it should be and may her soul rest in piece!! - kd regard Hugo + Gun